John Belushi’s Doppelganger
We all remember Samurai Hitman, or if we don't, see below the best of John Belushi.
So, when a truck plowed into a Christmas market...
Donald’s Putzder Gambit
The newspaper TPV revers mostly and firstly just published that
President-elect Donald J. Trump on Thursday chose Andrew F. Puzder, chief executive of the company...
The Unknown Body Parts of Media
Everybody knows the body parts of the Media. Maybe because most of the time the Media with and mostly without Balls is all there is...
Reflections Post Elections – TPV Sends Thank you Notes
We had no choice. Billary was not our choice. Trump should have been no one's choice. Two bad candidates. Hillary, the Crooked One. Trump, the...
The Perils of Translating Putang Ina
In a statement released on Tuesday, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said that he was sorry for using ambiguous words.
When I called President Barack Obama a...
Wasserman Schultz and the American Political Revolution
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz won her Democratic primary despite the fact that she did to the Democratic Party what Billary did to the Republican...
Kill Democracy to Anoint a Woman
Now, that the Clintons are behind the orange revolt in Ukraine - friends of friends have acquired the Ukraine gas and need to exploit...
I Shoot the Gays therefore I Am. A Gay Muslim .
A gunman shot dead about 50 people and injured 42 others in a crowded gay nightclub in Florida early on Sunday before being killed...
Hill made a mistake running for the Presidency. Plain & Simple
Hill-Billy has to go. Democrats turned Republicans are quietly watching this country implode rather than stop the Hill-Billy Armageddon.
It took the Wall Street...
Bye Bye Birdie Clinton
The Republicans are singing Bye Bye Birdie Clinton. She is gone.
The Times, fearing El Chapo's bid, had to print the news that Hill-Billy plays...
Bernie Sanders and the Media Coverage War
The corporate media are playing a dangerous game. Hill is awaiting indictment but her supporters, or shall I say, Bill's don't care. They want Bill...
West Pointless
Some women get together and take a Halloween-like photo. They are dressed in a garb recalling an era of slavery that a tight fist raised up in...
Pushed too Hard, the Porcellian Club May Rape Women. Involuntarily
The Porcellian Club — one of the most secretive societies in America — issued a public statement for the first time since its founding...
Johnny Depp Smuggled Amber Heard Illegally to Australia
The Internet is aghast that the sexiest man alive, from a few years back, had to smuggle his own wife illegally to Australia.
"First the...