If N.S.A. Collects Web Pictures, Why Not Erase “Ugly Hillary” from Our Memory

The National Security Agency is harvesting huge numbers of images of people from communications that it intercepts through its global surveillance operations for use...

Class and Tawdriness on the Internet. Where’s the News? It Ain’t Cheap.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvSHj2-UqFIIt was expected to premiere at Cannes, but Abel Ferrara’s “Welcome to New York”, based on the sex scandals and legal battles of French...

How to Have Sex When Fat- Learn from Pregnant Women

It seems that we are a nation of fatties. Based on recent studies we will continue ballooning. Researchers are giving up. They do not...

Made in NYC – TPV Noted. Le Petit Versailles

Think whatever you may of NYC, but don't disregard its imagination. We call hidden wastelands parks, and we give those "parks" fancy names. Such...

All Bits Are Created Equally Slow. Or Fast.

Only yesterday Sen. Al Franken's people mass emailed that Net Neutrality - equal access to the Internet for all - should continue to be...

Mayday Mayday: A SuperPAC to end all SuperPACs

From our email inbox to our readers: Here's the exciting news: We all know this democracy is in distress. It's time to send an urgent...

Made in NYC – TPV Noted; What Is Culture?

Good morning NYC! If you ever wondered what culture is, you should stop right now. It is an American yogurt company! *** THE POTHOLEVIEW Made in...

Cracks in the Street: Nevada Clarification

LAS VEGAS -- Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s battle against the federal government over land rights took an unexpected detour. After a newspaper quoted the 67-year-old...

Chag Sameach! from the White House and TPV

As TPV was busy cleaning up its cupboards of bread crumbs, we were very pleased to receive the email below from our friend, the...

This is your President, and this is what I have to say to you,...

This is your President, and this is what I have to say to you, today. I took some time out to answer a couple...

Learning from Silvio and His Posse

Mr. Lhota is the Republican contender for the NYC mayoralty. And he is concerned that his Democratic opponent, Bill de Blasio, cares about...

Inexplicable Daily Events – The Best of Weiner via Borowitz

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—One day after his campaign manager quit, the mayoral candidate Anthony D. Weiner named his penis to the post, telling...

Obama the Presidential-Image-Cleaner

After making Bush look good, Obama is working on improving Putin's image. Sources close to TPV tell us that Obama has been recruited by...

TPV Disagrees with Joe Nocera

NYTimes' Joe Nocera would call our readers “boneheaded" - TPV disagrees. To submit comments on the Keystone pipeline to the U.S. State Department please visit...

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