Debunking truthiness: Hillary Damaged? Bergdahl a Fighter?

Truthiness is one overrated value the Americans have exported so much since GW Bush, that we cannot distinguish anymore between it and everything else. Here...

What Would an American Nureyev Do in Afghanistan?

Now, even if you don't know who Serge Diaghilev was or you never heard of his most famous protégé, Nijinsky, you still know that when...

Obama Is a Mistake, Says Microsoft Office Word

 Obama is a mistake, says Microsoft Office Word (MOW).  Well, it's true. The word 'Obama' does not exist in the word thesaurus of the popular text editing program, Microsoft...

Rutgers Discovers the Power of Principled-Conviction

It’s that time of the year when colleges have to put on a show for the parents who spent oodles of money so their...

Copyright Allegations over Marxist Publications

Now, this is amazing because I got to read the Times too (in addition to our own Times' Correspondent, Marquel). The article, Claiming a Copyright on...

Sarah Palin- So Close Yet so Clueless

“If I was in charge,” Palin said Saturday in Indianapolis, “they would know, waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.” Clarification 1: Sarah is a hunter...

Breaking Old News – White House Folks Work for The NY Times. And Vice...

TPV has finally something to say. Repeating itself.  We make a digital living off The New York Times. Especially its political experts. Their expertise? Staring at...

Orange is the new… ckin2u on campus 

Usually reserved for the private areas of our private homes, i.e., bathroom or kitchen floors, the smell of clorox orange has made its way into...

Obama’s Dominos Game with Putin. TPV’s Counteroffer – Some Like It Hot

Remember the staring game of your childhood: Who Blinks First? Obama’s posse asks him to force Putin to blink first. But Putin does not...
Facebook (or Zuckerberg) - The Times' Deep Throat in Russian Matters

Facebook (or Zuckerberg) – The Times’ Deep Throat in Russian Matters

TPV knows that this year's Pulitzer Prize for excellence in source gathering is gone, but the clock is ticking for that 2015 prize. Its first...

Pakistan Charges 9-month old “Babyface Khan” With Murder

The New York Times has started its global reach by publishing: Rounding Up Suspects, Pakistan Charges a Baby. No intimidated by this, Marquel, TPVs...

While Looking for Debris from The Lost Jet, Japanese Fisherman Finds Osama Bin Laden’s...

A Japanese fisherman thought he would become the next shining star of the news shows around the globe, when he found a body he...

Inexplicable Daily Events: Waking up Hibernating Bears Should Require a Permit

When TPV thought the Cold War was over, look who's on TV! The Americans. A made-for-TV drama about Soviet spies in the United States....

The President, His Friend, Big Data, and Your Privacy

Friday, March 21, 2014, the President asked his FB friend Mark Zuckerberg to summarize the NSA report about all the data FB provided to the...

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