Here We Go Again

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes That's Where I Hail From Section correspondent, was sleeping and snoring, when a fly woke him up, and he read "In...


This week’s revelations may not be biblical. Nevertheless, they are entertaining. Twelve high school girls in upstate New York resolved to engage in neurotic behavior in...

Storytelling à l’Ancienne

Oprah taped the final episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” last week. I cannot claim that she helped me raise my children, or that...

Todd Gitlin’s Gibberish in the White House

Gibberish Is the White House’s New Normal  - The bad art of the non sequitur. Once upon a time, there were presidents for whom English seemed...

North Carolina – You’re Never on My Mind

North Carolina Allows Officials to Refuse to Perform Gay Marriages, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide Section correspondent. Marquel was lost...

How the Incumbent Lion (Obama) Fought to Lose the Presidency to the Phantom Contender

I know Aesop’s fable is about a wise lion who, tickled at the idea of a mouse helping him, let the mouse escape his...

Hillary Not for President? It’s “None of Your Business”

According to Huma, one of her protégées and Anthony Weiner's wife of record, Hillary just disqualified herself from running as a female presidential candidate....

Una cuba libre con un toque de limón por favor

First came the handshake and then this. At this pace, if Obama would be re-elected five more times, the US would have the same...

Mr. Just-the-Lawyer

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Competition correspondent was rope jumping when he came across Noncompete Clauses Increasingly Pop Up in Array of Jobs. Once largely limited to the technology...

Mike Konczal Has Not Heard of Karl Marx. Picketty Has. They Used to Be...

Mike Konczal recently reviewed the newest trendy book in economics, Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century, for the Boston Review.  Konczal succeeded the impossible task...

Children, Let’s All Go with SYRIZA this Christmas!

It’s Christmas time so, if you follow European politics, it’s Greece time. Greece invented the republic as a form of governing communities, and a...

Market Mindlessness

It is a truism that the stock market is a leading economic indicator—that is, how the market does tells us something about how the...

Hill’s Makeover or Trump’s Combover? That Is a Question

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Combover Section correspondent, was tanning his toes, when he read Donald Trump, Pushing Someone Rich, Offers Himself. Marquel celebrated Trump's entry into...

What Is Wrong with the Left? Its Republican Balls

Now, Charlie Hebdo is what TPV would like to be compared to when people need to compare us to some thing or another. So,...

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