Donald’s Gut Makes Decisions

Mr. Trump will announce his vice-presidential selection soon, the New York Times informs its readers. Mr Trump's decision will be surprising but not really. ...

Selfie as in This Is Me!

The Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year for 2013 is “selfie.” It’s an informal noun (plural: selfies) defined as “a photograph that one has...

Gingrich Reverses Stance on Child Labor. Endorses Slavery as Alternative

Current frontrunner Republican candidate Newt Gingrich backed away from comments he recently made calling child labor laws “stupid” and explained that what he really...

Market Mindlessness

It is a truism that the stock market is a leading economic indicator—that is, how the market does tells us something about how the...

Alien Love developments from India indicate that the Hindus are catching up with Muslims in the stupidity contest. Not only India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP)...

Todd Gitlin’s Gibberish in the White House

Gibberish Is the White House’s New Normal  - The bad art of the non sequitur. Once upon a time, there were presidents for whom English seemed...

Storytelling à l’Ancienne

Oprah taped the final episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” last week. I cannot claim that she helped me raise my children, or that...

What Is Wrong with the Left? Its Republican Balls

Now, Charlie Hebdo is what TPV would like to be compared to when people need to compare us to some thing or another. So,...

Andrew Rosenthal Has Cojones and TPV Takes Notice

Everybody who is anybody in the US wants war with Syria. That excludes the still-educated masses. But everybody else, and I mean everybody: from...

The Trouble with Chris

"Bad manners hide a big, true heart". Most of the people from New Jersey State seem to keep this belief close to their chest;...

Mahmoud the Matchmaker

In a recent editorial, The New York Times wrote that Iran threatened to shut the Strait of Hormuz if the United States and Europe...
golfclap by Margot Machado

Don’t Know Much About History: Lessons in Presidential (and would-be presidential) Situational Ethics, Plus...

To paraphrase the eminent Ms. Palin (ignoring for the moment that most of the time she sounds as if she's having difficulty paraphrasing herself),...

When No Should Mean Yes

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Pants On Fire Section correspondent, was  wiping the mustard off his mustache when he read that someone at The Times finally...

YMCA Branch to Open in Uganda Marquel, TPV NY Times diffidently gendered correspondent, was managing his perm, when he read Uganda Anti-Gay Law Struck Down by Court. The court ruled on narrow technical...

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