Una cuba libre con un toque de limón por favor

First came the handshake and then this. At this pace, if Obama would be re-elected five more times, the US would have the same...

Romney Ryan 2012 – America’s Comeback to What? Team

"I'll be back" Arnold Schwarzenegger said as an American actor many times, most notably in his role as the title character in the 1984...

Here We Go Again

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes That's Where I Hail From Section correspondent, was sleeping and snoring, when a fly woke him up, and he read "In...

Net Neutrality for Dummies

Net Neutrality is the new "Occupy Wall Street" short-lived movement of the day:  few understand or care about, in part because it has no...

The Trouble with Chris

"Bad manners hide a big, true heart". Most of the people from New Jersey State seem to keep this belief close to their chest;...

Hillary Clinton Tells the FBI She Is Innocent of Typing

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's lawyer has given the Federal Bureau of Investigation Clinton's private email server and a thumb drive of work-related emails...

Obama Has Become What He Thinks and It Ain’t Pretty

 I did not think I would have to come out against a particular presidential candidate. But it just happened. As the founder of Buddhism, Prince...

Urination, Shame, and Videotapes – Not a Miramax Release

If only from civics 101, Americans should know that peeing on corpses is not nice.  I doubt that when the colonists fought the Native...

Todd Gitlin’s Management of Unleashed Insanity

The Management of Unleashed Insanity Trump perfects the role of Propagandist-in-Chief. BY TODD GITLIN | MARCH 16, 2017 The Management of Unleashed Insanity President Richard Nixon during a...

Gingrich Reverses Stance on Child Labor. Endorses Slavery as Alternative

Current frontrunner Republican candidate Newt Gingrich backed away from comments he recently made calling child labor laws “stupid” and explained that what he really...

The NY Gay Marriage Bill and Its Place in Modern Activism

I cannot prevent anyone from getting angry, or mad, or frustrated. I can only hope that they’ll turn that anger and frustration and madness...

Storytelling à l’Ancienne

Oprah taped the final episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” last week. I cannot claim that she helped me raise my children, or that...

Market Mindlessness

It is a truism that the stock market is a leading economic indicator—that is, how the market does tells us something about how the...

How the Incumbent Lion (Obama) Fought to Lose the Presidency to the Phantom Contender

I know Aesop’s fable is about a wise lion who, tickled at the idea of a mouse helping him, let the mouse escape his...

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