TheTomahawkHellView Takes over the WeekHoleView

Last week, Syria used chemical arms to kill some of its people. Definitely an act of sovereignty.  President Donald Trump did not like it. No...

TheWeekholeView: The Almost French Invasion of the News

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this past week, in more than one way or day: On Wednesday,...

TheWeekholeView: The Ever Changing Dennis Rodman

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this past week: Last Wednesday, February 27, the man behind Pope Benedict XVI  addressed his...

TheWeekholeView – The Polling Nation

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this week, in more than one way or day since Saturday: On Saturday,...
TheWeekholeView On What's Worth and What's Not Worth Remembering

TheWeekholeView: On What’s Worth and What’s Not Worth Remembering. “Wha…

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this past week, in more than one way or day: On Wednesday,...

TheWeekholeView’s Long Journey into the Night

Here at TPV we try to keep our wits about us, but lately's been quite difficult and a black hole seems to be swallowing...

TheWeekholeView: An Ordinary Mishmash

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this past week, in more than one way or day: On Wednesday,...

TheWeekholeView: December 5 through December 11, 2012

Here each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this past week: Last Wednesday, December 5, 2012, another movie I will skip...

The Fearless WeekholeView

For the last few weeks the Weekhole has been filled with Trump garbage. Mostly Democratic. Corrupted Dems have chosen a wife and promote her...

Ay Mamita Mamita

Fewer Children Are Entering U.S. Illegally as Mexico Cracks Down, read Marquel, TPV's NYTimes Cost of Labor Section correspondent. Marquel realized this was not a...

TheWeekholeView: This Country’s Closed – Abandon hope, all ye who enter here

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this past week, in more than one way or day: On Wednesday,...

TheWeekholeView – What Comes in First and Afterwards

Here at TPV we have many days to decide what falls through and what does not fit. Here is what caught our eye. Friday, September...

TheWeekholeView Favors the Institution of the Presidential Couple

Here, at TPV world headquarters, data come and go, and sometimes data fall through the weekly hole. Here's the news: On Friday, September 23, the left-leaning...

TheWeekHoleView: Hillary’s Brat Pack Nightmare

At TPV each week starts one day and ends some time after. Here is what fell through the hole during this past week: On Wednesday,...

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