TheWeekholeView: Adopt a Life if You Cannot Have One

At TPV, a new week starts every seventh day, but new life can happen every moment. Here is what fell through the hole since...

Jewish Outreach; It’s Purim Let’s Care. ObamaCare

As always TPV is only the messenger. Here is another email from the White House to us and from TPV to you. A bit...

Francis I – the iPope

I never visited Argentina, though I am sure Argentina has great steak and amazing ski slopes. That is because I tend to associate...

Andrew Rosenthal Has Cojones and TPV Takes Notice

Everybody who is anybody in the US wants war with Syria. That excludes the still-educated masses. But everybody else, and I mean everybody: from...

Santorum’s Time Traveling Tales

A few weeks back, I said that Obama did not have what it took to be my candidate, but do I have a choice?...

TheWeekholeView on Credit

Life is a rollercoaster, and life in the U.S.A. is a SixFlags rollercoaster with Trump in the front seat doing all the screaming. TPV...

TheWeekHoleView: Hillary’s Brat Pack Nightmare

At TPV each week starts one day and ends some time after. Here is what fell through the hole during this past week: On Wednesday,...

Is Gorka the Next Michael Flinn?

There are Washington resignations that end stories. Then there is the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn's abrupt departure reveals a national...

TheWeekholeView: Hillary Wins Wimbledon – Slower Court for Slower Players

Here the TPV starts every seventh day, and here is how Hillary appeared out of the hole this past week: On Monday, July 6, Hillary asked...

Increased Surveillance & the Global War on Terrorism

While the War on Terrorism may not have a leader, because   the United States are still incestuously linked to the despotic and oppressive Sunni...

TheWeekholeView – The Interview

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this week, in more than one way or day: On Wednesday, December 24,...

Defining Braggadocio

Merriam-Webster defines braggadocio as When George Bush-Fils opens his mouth, whether DWI or not. No, that's an exaggeration.  It happens only when he talks, not when...

Jobs. The American Jobs. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs did not care about American jobs. Or if he cared, he did so quietly. What he cared about publicly was the American...

Inexplicable Daily Events – Why Glenn Greenwald Is with The Guardian because There Ain’t...

Edward Snowden might be the only upholder of the US Constitution - Snowden believes that freedom of speech cannot exist if NSA spies on...

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