Fools Rush In
Marquel, TPVs New York Times Special Idiots and Neocons Section correspondent was stubbornly refusing to wipe something flabby which belonged to his boss, when he read Events...
Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism. RP’s expert in both?
Note to Rick Perry,
that headache you have after has nothing to do with the kind of sex you're having, it's the Viagra.
As for...
Mr. Just-the-Lawyer
Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Competition correspondent was rope jumping when he came across Noncompete Clauses Increasingly Pop Up in Array of Jobs. Once largely limited to the technology...
Net Neutrality for Dummies
Net Neutrality is the new "Occupy Wall Street" short-lived movement of the day: few understand or care about, in part because it has no...
Mike Konczal Has Not Heard of Karl Marx. Picketty Has. They Used to Be...
Mike Konczal recently reviewed the newest trendy book in economics, Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century, for the Boston Review. Konczal succeeded the impossible task...
Children, Let’s All Go with SYRIZA this Christmas!
It’s Christmas time so, if you follow European politics, it’s Greece time. Greece invented the republic as a form of governing communities, and a...
Pope Francis, Could You Be a Rock Star?
We live in the greatest crisis of our lifetime, but we do not care because the obscenely rich take care of our souls. ...
NYTimes: Court Confronts Religious Rights of Corporations
The Supreme Court will decide whether to hear an Obama administration appeal of a lower court’s ruling that a company could restrict contraception insurance...
If only Hillary Could Do It
The picture shows Vanja Hadzovic, a 27-year-old adviser in Serbia’s Foreign Ministry. Like Bill, TPV wished it were Hillary. It ain't. The gorgeous Hadzovic, 27,...
Selfie as in This Is Me!
The Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year for 2013 is “selfie.” It’s an informal noun (plural: selfies) defined as “a photograph that one has...
The Dick Has Spoken
Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne just responded to a public dispute that had erupted between their daughters over gay marriage. Dick...
Dallas, D.C.
October 3, 2013. Attempted breach at White House. Stop. Capitol was in lockdown after shots fired. Stop. Pennsylvania Avenue closed. Stop. Secret Service engaged...
All President’s Women and Ol’ Times’ Man
Here comes Samantha. Sam, to her husband, Cass Sunstein, an American law professor. Sam covered the Balkan wars and learned that for each crime...
Sox Over the Weiner
“I saw him in the shower once, but I was so distracted by the shnoz that I forgot to look at the crotch.”