Crowdfunding German Banks

A Crowdfunding Campaign Tries to Save Greece, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes New Teapots Section correspondent. Marquel, despite being intergenerational, has almost no clue about...

The Republican Ghost of Christmas Past – Marianne

Marquel TPVs NYTimes "knock knock c'est qui a la porte?" Section correspondent, was too tired to read, but why not watch a video or...

Booyah to Wesley Clark. Senior

Wesley Clark was not a well-known name until the Clintons promoted him to the position of NATO commander during the second great Balkan disintegration...

The Sad Sequel

 More Rescues From Boko Haram Nigeria Reported, and Marquel TPVs NYTimes Told You So Section correspondent, was only too happy to read it. It...

NGOs Curry Favors

Pakistan Warns Aid Groups to Follow Unspecified Rules, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Three Card Monte Section correspondent. Marquel was intrigued by Pakistan's insistence that foreign...

Sippin’ on Gin and Juice

Okay, so listen to this.  There’s a rumor going around that United Nations’ diplomats are getting intoxicated during budgetary meetings.  I know.  Total BS,...

Glasshole in Kiev (Hollywood, 2014)

FADE IN:CLOSE ON the   middle aged woman with braided blond hairA card: Kiev.She’s in her early sixties. Her dress is not very crisp....


Marquel TPVs NYTimes Black Competition Section correspondent was staying fit, when he read Pothole raided as a suspect. Charlie Hebdo Office Hit in Terror Attack;...

Journey into the Fear: UberT, UberX, Black Car, and Rush

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Uber über Uber Section correspondent, was trying on riding boots, when he stopped to drink a glass of port and read Terror Attacks...

Jewish Cemetery Vandalized because …Abandoned

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Uninhabited Territories Section correspondent, was having breakfast when he read Jewish Graves Vandalized in France . Over 250 gravestones were vandalized in...

TPV’s Final Interview with Che’s Manhunter

In an interview with TPV, former CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who participated in the historic manhunt to capture Ernesto "Che" Guevara, repeated and elaborated...

SpringTime for Zara in History Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Auschwitz Section correspondent was weighing himself admiringly, when he read After Social Media Uproar, Zara Ditches T-Shirt That Looks Like Nazi Camp...

The (Indian) Aristocrats!

Marquel was subway eavesdropping listening to this story about a neighbor who put a highly burning log in his bathtub and then locked himself...

TPV Congratulates Putin on the Elimination of Boris

TPV would like to assert its allegiance to Putin and make sure that he understands whenever we criticize him is with the greatest affection....

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