Glasshole in Kiev (Hollywood, 2014)

FADE IN:CLOSE ON the   middle aged woman with braided blond hairA card: Kiev.She’s in her early sixties. Her dress is not very crisp....

Up Against the Wall [Motherfuckers]!

Marquel read the article, conscious of the fact that someone at the Times grew up in the sixties and has been using partial sayings...

Inexplicable Daily Events: The Japanese Care. Congress Lunches on Wheat

We may not think that the Japanese are our keepers, but they are, and may the power remain with them. In 2004, the United States...

The Donald Quacks

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Chop Suey Section correspondent, was riding a rickshaw in Beijing, when he stopped to read China’s Global Ambitions, With Loans and...

Linguistic Light on a Continent’s Peopling. Close examination shows that Russians came to America...

Continuing its trend of reporting non-news, The NY Times published: Linguistic Light on a Continent’s Peopling. Thank God for Marquel, TPVs Times Science and...

Presbyterians Divest From Israel; Prepare to Mount Military Campaign

The Presbyterian Church of America confirmed at their annual congress that they would divest themselves of investments in companies that provide equipment to Israel,...

Cleared for Takeoff?, TPVs NYTimes Impossible Odds Section correspondent, was watching airplanes land at JFK waiting for his personal jet to take off for Kuala Lampur, when...

To Each His Own

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Just In Time Section correspondent, was finishing his burger when he read that 100,000 Tons of Smuggled Meat, Some From 1970s,...

Jewish Cemetery Vandalized because …Abandoned

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Uninhabited Territories Section correspondent, was having breakfast when he read Jewish Graves Vandalized in France . Over 250 gravestones were vandalized in...

If only Hillary Could Do It

The picture shows Vanja Hadzovic, a 27-year-old adviser in Serbia’s Foreign Ministry. Like Bill, TPV wished it were Hillary. It ain't. The gorgeous Hadzovic, 27,...

I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here

Speeding in Finland Can Cost a Fortune, if You Already Have One, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Speedcam Section correspondent. So this guy sped through...

Journey into the Fear: UberT, UberX, Black Car, and Rush

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Uber über Uber Section correspondent, was trying on riding boots, when he stopped to drink a glass of port and read Terror Attacks...

The Truth about the Russian Meteorite

Despite Kremlin rumors that the meteorite which hit Russia was not a natural event but the result of a new weapon the United States...

NGOs Curry Favors

Pakistan Warns Aid Groups to Follow Unspecified Rules, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Three Card Monte Section correspondent. Marquel was intrigued by Pakistan's insistence that foreign...

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