American Jews Contemplate Safe Haven in Germany

As unbelievable as may read, not all Americans threw their Yarmulke in the air after the Muslim Ban. Curious as they may be to...

Francis I – the iPope

I never visited Argentina, though I am sure Argentina has great steak and amazing ski slopes. That is because I tend to associate...

New York City & Calgary Sister Cities with Rouen

Breaking News, New York City, UN Headquarters  - In an unprecedented move, the mayors of New York City, #Calgary and #Rouen spoke in front...

TPV Congratulates Putin on the Elimination of Boris

TPV would like to assert its allegiance to Putin and make sure that he understands whenever we criticize him is with the greatest affection....

Imagine This, Bibi

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Mein Kampf Means I'm Sorry Section correspondent was eating a sandwich at Katz's Deli, when he read something so crazy he...

Будем здоровы! Or, with Love From Russia

In Russia, you often drink to your own health and say “Будем здоровы!” , which can be translated as “To our health!” but it...

The Truth about the Russian Meteorite

Despite Kremlin rumors that the meteorite which hit Russia was not a natural event but the result of a new weapon the United States...

The Washable Sharpie

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Work Makes You Free Section correspondent was counting toothpicks in a Chinese restaurant when he read, Czech Republic Criticized After Officers...

Journey into the Fear: UberT, UberX, Black Car, and Rush

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Uber über Uber Section correspondent, was trying on riding boots, when he stopped to drink a glass of port and read Terror Attacks...

The Sad Sequel

 More Rescues From Boko Haram Nigeria Reported, and Marquel TPVs NYTimes Told You So Section correspondent, was only too happy to read it. It...

Tradition Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Kidney and Spleen Section correspondent, was twirling his mustache,  when he read Transplant Brokers in Israel Lure Desperate Kidney Patients to Costa...

Family Guys

Open Letter to the Chinese, Korean, and Russian Mafia from NYPD Commissioner June 7, 2015 Dear Partners in Crime, A day after D-Day, NYC beaches are open....

Long Live Charlie Hebdo! Charlie Hebdo Still Works

Charlie Hebdo Mocks Europe’s Response to Migrant Crisis With Cartoons of Dead Syrian Boy, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Bad Taste Doesn't Taste So Bad...

Inexplicable Daily Events: The Japanese Care. Congress Lunches on Wheat

We may not think that the Japanese are our keepers, but they are, and may the power remain with them. In 2004, the United States...

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