TheWeekHoleView- The Holy Crap of Martyrdom

Here, each hole starts one day and this is what fell through the martyrdom hole this past week: On Saturday, January 3, the daughter of...

TheWeekholeView: The Summit of All Freedoms

Each week starts when something worthwhile or worthless falls in the pothole and here is this week's splash: On Sunday, January 26, God relaxed and  12 Republican Ninjas descended...

TheWeekholeview: Racism Does Not Matter – Unless You’re Black

Here at TPV the week starts at random. This past week TPV discovered that racism does not matter. it took us the whole 7...

TheWeekholeview Unveils TPVism for Your Familiar Boredom

Saturday, May 21, middle class American parents asked Amazon Echo when their younger roommates would leave them alone. "Never," the answer came. Sunday, May 22, the American folks...

We Need Reflection Not Genuflection

This past July 14 the French people celebrated their national day, Bastille Day. July 14, 1789 remains one of the most remarkable days in Western...

TheWeekholeView on Credit

Life is a rollercoaster, and life in the U.S.A. is a SixFlags rollercoaster with Trump in the front seat doing all the screaming. TPV...

Trump’s Wall @TheWeekholeView

As Europe is being hit by a heat wave and America by August dread, here's what fell through TPV's whole and Trump's wall. On Monday,...

TheWeekHoleView Mishmash

At TPV the week starts whimsically once every 7 days. Here’s what fell through the hole during the last seven days: On Monday, July 20,...

TheWeekHoleView Muses on Wrongdoings

While millions of American poor children will soon find themselves further ostracized and closer in status to poor children everywhere, the thinning middle class...

TheWeekholeView: Losing Wives or Viewers?

In TPV Land the week is sacrosanct in its holeness. Here is what fell through the hole within the last approximate seven days. On Thursday, Abdullah...

TheWeekholeView Fakes Frustration

Though signs are coming about an imminent change in our power structure, the democratic process is tedious and often frustrating. Trump himself, the guy...

TheWeekholeView: The GOP Clock Started Its Tic Toc

On Tuesday, September 15, a little boy named Mohamed bought a commercial alarm clock, the kind you purchase in any department store and use...

TheWeekholeView – The Interview

Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this week, in more than one way or day: On Wednesday, December 24,...

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