Letter to Cartoonophobes:

It is with deep interest that I read how some people of Allah enlist themselves to kill cartoonists. And I wonder: why? Why do people...

Kill Democracy to Anoint a Woman

Now, that the Clintons are behind the orange revolt in Ukraine - friends of friends have acquired the Ukraine gas and need to exploit...

Inexplicable Events: Was She Kidnapped or Was She a Gift?

An olive-skinned Greek couple protests the unfounded accusation of kidnapping their only fair-haired child. She is adopted, the Roma couple asserts from jail. Bulgaria is full...

Trump and the Terrorists Speaking the Same Language – Chaos

Recently TPV hosted a few scholars with money to vacation in NYC and had a discussion about Trump and terrorists. Terrorists may take a four...

Inexplicable Daily Events – IDE – Olive Oil or Billy Joel?

Inexplicable Daily Events - IDE - are notable events hard to spoof. For this Memorial Day Weekend here are two IDE shockingly related in...

Trump’s Bowel Movement Is on Twitter

Donald's week has three days: Friday golf, Saturday golf, and Sunday golf. The other days are just a periodical bowel movement in the company...

Malaysian Airlines Orbiting the Moon

Doubling of Search Zone Planned if Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Isn’t Found Before June, Marquel read incredulously. He is TPVs NYTimes What in the...

Kiss you once, shame on you. Kiss you again, sexual harassment on me

Our nation is in the midst of a public school make-over. We need leaders. So, why not improve our education with a better curriculum;...

Belgium Exports Terrorism: Hatred of Bel Frites

Speaking at an event hosted by Politico Europe three days before the Paris attacks, Jan Jambon, Belgium’s minister for security and home affairs, explained why...

Donald’s Putzder Gambit

The newspaper TPV revers mostly and firstly just published that  President-elect Donald J. Trump on Thursday chose Andrew F. Puzder, chief executive of the company...

Peanut Revolution

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Lunchbox Section correspondent, was taking a walk in the hood when he saw a bench and sat down to read Peanut Butter With...

Breaking News: TPV Doesn’t Compete with FoxNews

In his article, FEAR & UNbalanced: Confessions of a 14-Year Fox News Hitman, Tobin Smith explains he was hired by Fox to create a nation...

The Rites of Passage

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Don't Worry Be Happy Section correspondent, was eating a bun holding two dogs covered in chili under the torrid Bronx sun,...

Reflections Post Elections – TPV Sends Thank you Notes

We had no choice. Billary was not our choice. Trump should have been no one's choice. Two bad candidates. Hillary, the Crooked One. Trump, the...

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