TheWeekholeView: First RollingStone & Now TPV Spends a Business Week with Kimye

On Saturday, August 8, Kim Kardashian sent a pregnant emoji to Hillary, and the two of them posted their picture, featuring Kanye, on social...

TheWeekholeview: Racism Does Not Matter – Unless You’re Black

Here at TPV the week starts at random. This past week TPV discovered that racism does not matter. it took us the whole 7...

TheWeekHoleView Mishmash

At TPV the week starts whimsically once every 7 days. Here’s what fell through the hole during the last seven days: On Monday, July 20,...

TheWeekholeView Goes Greek on Lagarde and Merkel

In TPV land bitcoins rule, women are ashamed for sharing toilets with Christine Lagarde, the IMF girl-man in charge and Angela Merkel, the German she-Hitler...

TheWeekholeView: If Christie Did It & Bruce Did It, Why Not Hill?

In Pothole land, the week starts at random, every seven days. Here's what recently fell through the hole: On Saturday, May 30, Chris Christie decided it...

TheWeekholeView Is Throwing Shade

Here the week starts and ends with amazing precision on a schedule of its own, though TPV thought otherwise. Here is what fell through...

TheWeekholeView: Peaking through Peking’s Hole

Usually TPV weeks start and end on a schedule foretold.  Waiting for them with anticipated delay, here is what fell through the hole this past...

TheWeekholeView: Adopt a Life if You Cannot Have One

At TPV, a new week starts every seventh day, but new life can happen every moment. Here is what fell through the hole since...

Ay Mamita Mamita

Fewer Children Are Entering U.S. Illegally as Mexico Cracks Down, read Marquel, TPV's NYTimes Cost of Labor Section correspondent. Marquel realized this was not a...

TheWeekholeView: On A Slow Day

Here each week starts every seventh day, but lately, not on the same seventh day. Here’s what fell through the hole in the last...

TheWeekholeView: All Hillary’s Pantsuits Fit Her Fans

Here each week starts every seventh day, but lately, not on the same seventh day. Luckily, Hillary announced her readiness to rule the world...

TheWeekHoleView: Hillary’s Brat Pack Nightmare

At TPV each week starts one day and ends some time after. Here is what fell through the hole during this past week: On Wednesday,...

TheWeekholeView: The perennial value of the clinton. An email. A joke. A Wannabe

At TPV the week starts one day and ends six or seven days later, and here is what fell through the hole this last week: On...

TheWeekholeView: The Summit of All Freedoms

Each week starts when something worthwhile or worthless falls in the pothole and here is this week's splash: On Sunday, January 26, God relaxed and  12 Republican Ninjas descended...

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