As Long as He Delivers, Trump Will Build Hotels

If anybody needed more reason for why Trump has not been deposed yet, here comes another great piece of writing: Trump delivers. Here is more...

Saturday with Sharia

Saturday, June 10, ACT, a conservative lobbying group called Act for America, organized what it called a nationwide "March Against Sharia" in some 19...

Gitlin’s Not Alone

I Alone was first published here: I Alone BY TODD GITLIN | JUNE 9, 2017         President Donald Trump returns to the White House on June 7,...

Ryan defends Trump on Comey: ‘The president’s new at being scrutinized for criminal behavior

Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday defended President Donald Trump's communications with ex-FBI director James Comey, saying Trump wasn't "steeped in the long-running protocols" of how to interact...

Reality Not a Winner in Trumpland

The United States of America have effectively become Trumpland, and in Trumpland reality is not a winner. Case in point, Reality Leigh Winner, 25, was arrested shortly...

Trump Lets Comey Testify, But Sarah Warns Us Putin May Disagree

Sarah Huckabee Sanders met the free press and asserted that President Trump would not attempt to stop former FBI director James B. Comey...

Breaking News: TPV Doesn’t Compete with FoxNews

In his article, FEAR & UNbalanced: Confessions of a 14-Year Fox News Hitman, Tobin Smith explains he was hired by Fox to create a nation...

Breaking News: Trump To Negotiate Directly With The Climate

REPORTS from New York this weekend are giving scientists and climate activists reason to be cheerful. The US President-elect Donald Trump  intends to negotiate with the Earth’s...

TheWeekholeview Kerfuffles

Here, in TPV land Trump is an amazing creature: it amazes us seven days weekly. On Saturday, May 27, Trump's Innocents Abroad reached Europe. They landed in Paris. On Sunday,...

Gitlin’s Take on George Orwell on Sean Spicer

First published here: George Orwell on Sean Spicer A note on the uses of stupefaction. BY TODD GITLIN | JUNE 2, 2017 The Trumps’ nine-day journey outside the...

St. Melania at Work

A little boy who I visited today & had been waiting for a heart transplant will be receiving one! After talking to the Pope, Melania...

Melania, You’re Our Queen and Trump’s Your Fool

Finally, someone is putting the orange baby in his corner, and that's Melania. She did it first in Israel, foreseeing perhaps what Trump left behind...

Gitlin Takes Notice as Trump & Co. Put Out a Call for Plumbers

First published here: Trump & Co. Put Out a Call for Plumbers With so many leaks in the White House and no one to stop them,...

Coming Out Loud – A Trump Song

We've got ourselves a president A tiny fingered resident He says the people picked him, but I say he had some help He says he’s got the vision...

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