The Wedding Ring that Saved a Marriage

We all heard stories about the dog who saved a marriage, or the adopted child, or the gold mine whose discovery saved the couple's...

Anybody Who Isn’t Game about Just Playing the Game?

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Free Guns For Everyone In the Good Old USA Section correspondent, was trying on guns at the local Walmart when he...

TheWeekholeView Trumped Up

Here, at TPV, some days are more equal than others, and yesterday's first GOP 2016 Presidential Debate trumped up all others: Man from Fox : Trump...

The Prince and the Paupers

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes East is East and West is West Section correspondent, was flying a kite when he read that Britain and France Scramble...

Hillary Offers Her New Energy Plan. New to Her

Optimistically, presidential candidate Hillary spent an entire hour memorizing her new goal, if elected, to produce 33 percent of the nation’s electricity from renewable...

Confederate X

piss stains on the wizard sheet pulled from last night’s bed southern clown klansman gown fearful eyes beneath a cut­out pillowcase boo inside a bigot’s head black Bible talk behind...

Greece Is Leading the Way

Greece has delivered a resounding No to its creditors, in a move that has stunned the eurozone and may wake up Obama and Hollande,...

TheWeekholeView Goes Greek on Lagarde and Merkel

In TPV land bitcoins rule, women are ashamed for sharing toilets with Christine Lagarde, the IMF girl-man in charge and Angela Merkel, the German she-Hitler...

The Neanderthal in Us Is Impure

Scientists have known for some time that all modern humans who live outside Africa have a small amount of Neanderthal DNA, but they haven't...

Be flexible. Triangulate

NEWPORT, R.I. — Yesterday, former championship figure skater Michelle Kwan received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Salve Regina University. For those like me...

TheWeekholeView: If Christie Did It & Bruce Did It, Why Not Hill?

In Pothole land, the week starts at random, every seven days. Here's what recently fell through the hole: On Saturday, May 30, Chris Christie decided it...

Two Hundred and Counting

Cleveland Police Officer Acquitted of Manslaughter in 2012 Deaths, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Empty The Clip Section correspondent. Altogether, 139 shots were fired at an...

TheWeekholeView Is Throwing Shade

Here the week starts and ends with amazing precision on a schedule of its own, though TPV thought otherwise. Here is what fell through...

TheWeekholeView: Peaking through Peking’s Hole

Usually TPV weeks start and end on a schedule foretold.  Waiting for them with anticipated delay, here is what fell through the hole this past...

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