Poor of the World, There Is Hope for You: Nuclear Waste and Soldiering

Eastern Europe does not require the poor to read. Only in Japan the poor needs to have access to the Internet to read online...

Linguistic Light on a Continent’s Peopling. Close examination shows that Russians came to America...

Continuing its trend of reporting non-news, The NY Times published: Linguistic Light on a Continent’s Peopling. Thank God for Marquel, TPVs Times Science and...

Happy International Women’s Day – Made in NYC by TPV

Happy International Women's Day from TPV and Google!

Glasshole in Kiev (Hollywood, 2014)

FADE IN:CLOSE ON the   middle aged woman with braided blond hairA card: Kiev.She’s in her early sixties. Her dress is not very crisp....

If only Hillary Could Do It

The picture shows Vanja Hadzovic, a 27-year-old adviser in Serbia’s Foreign Ministry. Like Bill, TPV wished it were Hillary. It ain't. The gorgeous Hadzovic, 27,...

Self-Mutilation on Red Square

An artist nails his scrotum to the pavement to protest Russia’s repressive laws. Unfortunately, he had forgotten that it remained attached to his body....

TPV’s Final Interview with Che’s Manhunter

In an interview with TPV, former CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who participated in the historic manhunt to capture Ernesto "Che" Guevara, repeated and elaborated...

Inexplicable Daily Events: The Japanese Care. Congress Lunches on Wheat

We may not think that the Japanese are our keepers, but they are, and may the power remain with them. In 2004, the United States...

Sippin’ on Gin and Juice

Okay, so listen to this.  There’s a rumor going around that United Nations’ diplomats are getting intoxicated during budgetary meetings.  I know.  Total BS,...

Francis I – the iPope

I never visited Argentina, though I am sure Argentina has great steak and amazing ski slopes. That is because I tend to associate...

Booyah to Wesley Clark. Senior

Wesley Clark was not a well-known name until the Clintons promoted him to the position of NATO commander during the second great Balkan disintegration...

The Truth about the Russian Meteorite

Despite Kremlin rumors that the meteorite which hit Russia was not a natural event but the result of a new weapon the United States...

The Pope’s Last Lesson – Carpe Diem

"Benedict XVI's Latin is very easy to understand," Italian Giovanna Chirri tweeted in English moments after she alerted the less literate that the Pope’s...

On Lust and Social Dilemmas: To Spit or to Swallow

Dominique Strauss Kahn, the would-have-been French Bill Clinton, was unluckily undone by his carnal lust before the French people had a chance to vote...

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